
 Steroid Injections for Hip Bursitis: Do They Provide Lasting Relief? 

Sep 18, 2024
 Steroid Injections for Hip Bursitis: Do They Provide Lasting Relief? 

About five probably have trochanteric bursitis in any group of a thousand American adults, commonly called hip bursitis. That may not sound like too many, but if you have it, you know how it can change your life. 

At the seven locations of Pain Consultants of Atlanta, our highly trained and skilled providers work to help you live your life with the least amount of pain possible. Sometimes, we provide treatments like joint injections or referrals to professionals like physical therapists. If you have hip bursitis, we work to help you find the combination of treatments that allows you to walk, sleep, sit, and live comfortably. 

The cause of bursitis pain

Your hip joints are amazing. They are strong, mobile, and allow you to sit, stand, walk, bend over, and move in many ways you probably don’t think about too often. 

One of the reasons your hips work so well is small structures that act like tiny cushions, allowing your bones and the soft tissues that support them, like your tendons and muscles, to move smoothly against each other. These structures are bursae, and a bursa is often described as a fluid-filled sac. 

When a bursa becomes irritated or inflamed, the result is bursitis. It’s trochanteric bursitis or greater trochanteric pain syndrome on the outside of your hip. We usually call it hip bursitis. 

Treating hip bursitis

Bursitis can happen for several reasons. Being overweight or obese can put too much pressure on your joints and lead to bursitis pain. Another chronic condition, such as arthritis or having had surgery on your hips in the past, can cause inflammation of the bursae. A problem with a tendon, such as a tear, can cause bursitis. Simple wear and tear as a result of normal aging can cause it. 

Given those different causes, you might imagine there would be many different ways to treat hip bursitis—and you’d be right. The most effective and appropriate treatment depends on many factors, including the underlying cause of your pain, medical history, overall health, and several others. 

When you come to Pain Consultants of Atlanta, you can expect a thorough physical exam and an extensive discussion of your symptoms, health, and goals. 

Steroid injections

In some instances, a steroid injection to reduce the inflammation can reduce your immediate pain and give your hip time to heal. Injections are usually recommended if other, more conservative treatments don’t work well enough. 

Your doctor may recommend using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Rest and icing may also be helpful. Physical therapy may help build the strength of the muscles and tendons around your inflamed bursa. 

Depending on your situation and the cause of your pain, these more conservative therapies may not be enough, and injections could be the right approach. 

Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatory medications that reduce swelling and irritation, which, in turn, lowers the pain you feel. People react differently, and the length of time the injection works varies from days to months. 

Your doctor may suggest a combination of treatments. For example, a steroid injection reduces your pain enough for you to be able to complete a course of physical therapy effectively.  

Get personalized advice

If your hip hurts, you don’t have to live with the limitations it causes. Schedule an appointment with an expert at Pain Consultants of Atlanta's most convenient location, and let us help you understand what’s causing the pain and what your options are.