When your head hurts, you have a headache. That’s true, but different types of headaches require different treatment approaches, and sometimes other lifestyle changes to help you have fewer headaches.  

At all six locations of Pain Consultants of Atlanta, our providers work to help you live with less pain. People who have chronic pain, whether it’s back pain, knee pain, headaches, or something else, struggle to live life to the fullest. We offer effective treatments, including peripheral nerve stimulation, which can be particularly helpful for cluster and migraine headaches.  

Cluster headaches and migraine

Although cluster headaches and migraine are distinct primary types of headaches, they do have significant similarities. For example, both can be triggered by foods, beverages, or your environment. Both can also be extremely painful.  

Regardless of the cause or type of your headaches, they likely disrupt your life. You may find it difficult or impossible to do the things you need to do and those you enjoy doing.

Differences in headache types

One difference between cluster headaches and migraines is who tends to have them. Men are more likely to have cluster headaches, and women are more likely to have migraines.  

Another difference is that migraines usually begin during adolescence and peak in your 30s. Cluster headaches usually begin when you’re between 20 and 50 years old.

Symptoms differ, as well. If you have migraines, you may have the following symptoms: 

  • Nausea
  • Light sensitive
  • Vomiting
  • Temporary loss of vision or vision disruption
  • Symptoms before, during, and after the attack

If you have cluster headaches, your symptoms are likely to include: 

  • Sudden onset of pain
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Awaken with pain during the night

Given the symptoms of cluster headaches, you may not be surprised to learn that they are often misdiagnosed as seasonal allergies.  

Peripheral nerve stimulation

Peripheral nerve stimulation can effectively treat both cluster headaches and migraines. When you have peripheral nerve stimulation, we use a pulse generator to deliver mild electrical impulses to the nerves causing your pain.  

The impulses disrupt the pain signal, and you may feel a mild tingling instead. If peripheral nerve stimulation works for you, it can offer dramatic pain relief, without the side effects that you may have with pharmaceutical treatments.  

If you have chronic headaches, whether cluster headaches or migraines, schedule a consultation at Pain Consultants of Atlanta's most convenient location. Our experts are happy to answer your questions and suggest a treatment plan based on your situation and needs.